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Thursday, 12 December 2013

UBTER Recruitment 2013 – 1057 Technician, Jr Engineer and Other Posts

UBTER Recruitment 2013 – 1057 Technician, Jr Engineer, Assistant, Accountant and Other Vacancies: Uttarakhand Board of Technical Education Dehradun (UBTER) has posted an employment notification for the recruitment of Technician, Jr Engineer and Other Posts. Applications are invited for filling up 1057 Technician, Jr Engineer, Assistant, Accountant and Other vacancies in UJVNL, PTCUL, Technical Education Department (State Polytechnic), UPCL. Eligible and interested candidates may apply through online mode before 8th January 2014. Further details like age limitations, educational qualifications, last date, how to apply and online application form are given below…

SBI Officer Recruitment 2014 – Apply Online for Executive and Officer

SBI Officer Recruitment 2013 – Apply Online for 46 Management Executive Positions: State Bank of India (SBI) has issued another recruitment notification for the recruitment of Management Executive Posts. Online applications are invited for filling up 46 Management Executive vacancies in State Bank of Hyderabad in middle Management Grade Scale II (MMGSII). Eligible and interested candidates can apply through online mode for this opening on or before 2nd January 2014. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, last date, how to apply and online application form are given below…

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

10 December 2013 – Daily Current Affairs( Hindi and English)

MIG-21 FL-Phase-out

1) Which version of the legendary Mig-21 fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force, which was also the first supersonic aircraft of the IAF, is being de-commissioned from service during December, 2013? – Mig-21 FL (In 1964 MiG-21 (Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-21) became the first supersonic fighter jet to enter service with the IAF. Being limited in numbers, the Mig-21 FLs played a restricted role in the 1965 war. They, however, played a crucial role in the 1971 war giving IAF the air superiority over vital points and areas in the western theatre. In the first ever supersonic air combat that ensued over the sub-continent in 1971, an Indian Mig-21 FL claimed a PAF F-104 Starfighter with its internal twin-barrelled guns alone. The pin-point accurate attack on the Governor's House at Dhaka by IAF pilots flying the Mig-21 FLs proved to be a turning point in the war forcing the adversary to negotiate an eventual