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Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Vitamins and their Chemical Names and Deficiency Diseases

Chemical Names

Vitamin Name - Chemical Name

Vitamin A - Retinol

Vitamin B1 - Thiamine

Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin

Vitamin B3 - Niacin

Vitamin B5 - Pantothenic acid

Vitamin B6-  Pyridoxin

Vitamin B7 - Biotin

Vitamin B9 - Folic acid

Vitamin B12 - Cyanocobalamin

Vitamin C - Ascorbic acid

Vitamin D - Calciferol

Vitamin E - Tocoferol

Vitamin K - Phylloquinone and Menaquinones

 Deficiency Diseases

Vitamin A - Night Blindness, Hyperkeratosis and Keratomalacia.

Vitamin B1 - Beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

Vitamin B2 - Ariboflavinosis.

Vitamin B3 - Pellagra.

Vitamin B5 - Paresthesia.

Vitamin B6 - Anemia peripheral neuropathy.

Vitamin B7 - Dermatitis, enteritis.

Vitamin B9 - Megaloblast and Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defects.

Vitamin B12 - Megaloblastic anemia.

Vitamin C - Scurvy.

Vitamin D - Rickets and Osteomalacia.

Vitamin K - Bleeding diathesis.

Some confusing GK questions and answers

1. कागज बनाने में हिबिस्कुस की कौन सी प्रजातियों का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है?
उत्तर: केनाफ 2. दुनिया का सबसे पूर्वी देश कौन सा है? उत्तर: किरिबाती
4. यूएनडीपी द्वारा प्रकाशित पहली मानव विकास रिपोर्ट की तैयारी के पीछे पाकिस्तानी अर्थशास्त्री का नाम क्या है?
3. 'हिमालयी ब्लंडर' का लेखक कौन है? उत्तर: ब्रिगेड। जे पी दलवी उत्तर: महबूब-उल-हक
उत्तर: डॉ वीके राव
5. 1 931-32 में भारत की राष्ट्रीय आय की गणना करने वाले पहले वैज्ञानिक प्रयास किसने किया?
7. फ्लूओसोल क्या है, जो रंग में दूधिया है?
6. 'भारत के वाटरमैन' का नाम दें, जिनके जल संचयन और सामुदायिक आधारित जल प्रबंधन में अग्रणी प्रयासों से राजस्थान में पांच नदियों का पुनरुद्धार हुआ है? उत्तर: राजेंद्र सिंह उत्तर: कृत्रिम रक्त विकल्प
उत्तर: नागपुर 11. क्राइसेंथेम सिंहासन ............... के सम्राट का सिंहासन है? उत्तर: जापान
8. किस महान भारतीय पहलवान को 'पॉकेट डायनेमो' उपनाम दिया गया है? उत्तर: केडी जाधव 9. किस भारतीय गणितज्ञ को "भारत कायूक्लिड" कहा जाता है? उत्तर: भास्करचार्य
10. भारत का केंद्रीय बिंदु शहर के पास स्थित है ...............।?
12. शेर सिंहासन कौन सा आध्यात्मिक नेता का सिंहासन है?
उत्तर: दलाई लामा
13. कुह-ए-नूर हीरा द्वारा किस विश्व प्रसिद्ध सिंहासन को सजाया गया था?
उत्तर: तख्त-ई तवस (मोर सिंहासन) 14. रोमन कैथोलिकों की सबसे लंबी सेवा पोप कौन है?
15. वर्ष के किस धर्म का सबसे पवित्र दिन 'यम किपपुर' के नाम से जाना जाता है?
उत्तर: पायस IX उत्तर: यहूदी धर्म 16. अंग्रेजी भाषा में सबसे पुरानी कविता कौन सा है?
उत्तर: रूस
उत्तर: उत्तर। बियोवुल्फ़ 17. किस देश पर परमाणु युद्ध के प्रमुखों की अधिकतम संख्या है?
उत्तर: विक्टोरिया क्रॉस
18. यूनाइटेड किंगडम में सबसे ज्यादा सैन्य सम्मान ............ के रूप में जाना जाता है? 19. किस देश ने दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा सिक्का जारी किया? उत्तर: स्वीडन
22. दुनिया के पहले एटीएम के ऑपरेटर कौन सा बैंक लंदन में 27 जून 1 9 67 को शुरू हुआ था?
20. पहली जांच 22 अप्रैल 165 9 को जारी की गई ............ ..? उत्तर: लंदन 21. क्रेडिट कार्ड का आविष्कार करने वाला पहला व्यक्ति कौन था? उत्तर: फ्रैंक एक्स मैकनामरा (यूएसए) उत्तर: बार्कलेज बैंक
25. जेरोक्स मशीन के फोटोकॉपी ड्रम को कोट करने के लिए किस तत्व का उपयोग किया जाता है?
23. एक तत्व से बने दुनिया का एकमात्र मणि कौन सा है? उत्तर: डायमंड 24. ज्वालामुखीय चट्टान का नाम सबसे अच्छा ज्ञात कभी-कभी होता है? उत्तर: किम्बरलेइट उत्तर: सेलेनियम 26. कोयलों ​​में कौन सा एसिड मौजूद है? उत्तर: फॉस्फोरिक एसिड
उत्तर: नर्मदा
27. मलयालम में एडविन अर्नोल्ड के 'लाइट ऑफ एशिया' का अनुवाद किसने किया? उत्तर: नालप्पाद नारायण मेनन
28. संस्कृत में किस भारतीय नदी का नाम शाब्दिक अर्थ है 'खुशी का दाता'?
1. Which species of hibiscus is extensively used in paper making?
Answer: Kenaf

2. Which is the easternmost country of the world?
Answer: Kiribati

3. Who is the author of ‘Himalayan Blunder’?
Answer: Brig. J P Dalvi

4. Name the Pakistani economist who was behind the preparation of the first Human Development Report Published by UNDP?
Answer: Mahbub-ul-Huq

5. Who did the first scientific attempt to calculate the national income of India in 1931-32?
Answer: Dr. VK Rao

6. Name the ‘Waterman of India’, whose pioneering efforts in water harvesting and community based water management have led to the revival of five rivers in Rajasthan?
Answer: Rajendra Singh

7. What is Fluosol, which is milky in colour?
Answer: Artificial Blood substitute

8. Which legendary Indian wrestler is nicknamed ‘Pocket Dynamo’?
Answer: K.D Jadhav

9. Which Indian Mathematician is called as “The Euclid of India”?
Answer: Bhaskaracharya

10. The central point of India is located near the city …………….?
Answer: Nagpur

11. The Chrysanthemum Throne is the throne of the Emperor of …………….?
Answer: Japan

12. Which spiritual leader’s throne is the Lion Throne?
Answer: Dalai Lama

13. Which world famous throne was decorated by the Kuh-i-Nur diamond?
Answer: Takht-e Tavus (The Peacock Throne)

14. Who is the longest served Pope of the Roman Catholics?
Answer: Pius IX

15. Which religion’s holiest day of the year is known as ‘Yom Kippur’?
Answer: Judaism

16. Which is the oldest poem in the English language?
Answer: Ans. Beowulf

17. Which country owns the maximum number of nuclear war heads?
Answer: Russia

18. The highest military honour in the United Kingdom is known as …………?
Answer: Victoria Cross

19. Which country issued the largest coin in the world?
Answer: Sweden

20. The first cheque was issued on 22 April 1659 in …………..?
Answer: London

21. Who was the first to invent the credit cards?
Answer: Frank X McNamara (USA)

22. Which bank was the operators of the world’s first ATM, began operation on 27 June 1967 at London?
Answer: Barclays Bank

23. Which is the only gem of the world made of a single element?
Answer: Diamond

24. Name the volcanic rock best known for sometimes containing diamonds?
Answer: Kimberlite

25. Which element is used to coat the photocopying drum of Xerox machine?
Answer: Selenium

26. Which acid is present in coals?
Answer: Phosphoric Acid

27. Who translated Edwin Arnold’s ‘Light of Asia’ into Malayalam?
Answer: Nalappad Narayana Menon

28. Which Indian River’s name in Sanskrit literally means ‘The Giver of Pleasure’?
Answer: Narmada

Indian Railway Zones and their Headquarters

1. Northern Railway--Delhi 
2. North Eastern Railway--Gorakhpur 
3. Northeast Frontier Railway--Maligaon(Guwahati) 
4. Eastern Railway--Kolkata 
5. South Eastern Railway--Kolkata 
6. South Central Railway--Secunderabad 
7. Southern Railway--chennai 
8. Central Railway--Mumbai November 
9. Western Railway--Mumbai November 
10. South Western Railway--Hubli 
11. North Western Railway--jaipur 
12. West Central Railway--jabalpur 
13. North Central Railway--Allahabad 
14. South East Central Railway--Bilaspur 
15. East Coast Railway--Bhubaneswar 
16. East Central Railway--Hajipur 
17. Kolkata Metro—Kolkata



  1. CRDi - (Common Rail Direct Injection)
  1. TDi - (Turbocharged Direct Ignition)
  1. DTS-i - (Digital Twin Spark Ignition)
  1. VTVT - (Variable Timing Valve Train) 
  1. MPFI - (Multi point fuel injection) 
  1. ABS - (Anti Lock Braking) 
  1. SOHC - ( Single OverHead Camshaft) 
  1. DOHC - (Double Overhead Camshaft) 
  1. SUV - (Sport Utility Vehicle) 
  1. MUV - (Multi Utility Vehicle) 
  1. SAE - (Society of Automotive Engineers) 
  1. HCV - (Heavy Commercial Vehicle) 
  1. LCV - (Light Commercial Vehicle) 
  1. CVTi - (Charged motion Variable Time Ignition) 
  1. CCVTI - (Controlled Combustion Variable Timing Ignition)
  1. EBD - (Electronic Brakeforce Distribution)
  1. BHP - ( Brake Horse Power)
  1. BMEP - (Brake Mean Effective Pressure)
  1. BSFC - (Brake Specific Fuel Consumption
  1. CC - (Cubic Capacity)
  1. CDI - (Capacitor Discharge Ignition)
  1. C.I ENGINE - (Compression Ignition Engine)
  1. CNG - (Compressed Natural Gas)
  1. DFI - (Digital Fuel Injection) 
  1. DI ENGINE - (Direct Injection Engine)
  1. EC ENGINE - (External Combustion Engine)
  1. FHP - (Frictional Horse Power)
  1. GVW - (Gross Vehicle Weight)
  1. HVAC - (Heating ventilating and Air Conditioning)
  1. IC ENGINE - (Internal Combustion Engine)
  1. IHP - (Indicated Horse Power)
  1. IMEP - (Indicated Mean Effective Pressure)
  1. ISFC - (Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption)
  1. Kph - (Kilometer Per Hour)
  1. Kpl - (Kilometer Per Liter)
  1. OHV - (Over Head Valve)
  1. SFC - (Specific Fuel Consumption)
  1. SI ENGINE - (Spark Ignition Engine)
  1. VDB - (Ventilated Disc Brake)
  1. VVTi - (Variable Valve Timing)
  1. 4WD - (Four Wheel Drive(FWD))
  1. 2WD - (Two Wheel Drive)
  1. TC - (Traction Control)
  1. ESC -(Electronic Stability Control)
  1. FPEG -(Free Piston Engine Generator)

Saturday, 28 February 2015



Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on 28th February 2015 presented the Union Budget for the year 2015-16. Being termed as 'make or break', this is Arun Jaitley and the NDA Government's first full year Budget. Here are the key highlights of the Budget.

Important Numbers to Note

1. Non-Plan expenditure: Rs 13,12,200 crore.

2. Plan expenditure: Rs Rs 4,65,277 crore.

3. Total expenditure: Rs 17,77,477 crore.

4. Gross Tax receipts: Rs 14,49,490 crore.

5. Devolution to the States: Rs 5,23,958 crore.

6. Share of Central Government: Rs 9,19,842 crore.

7. Non Tax Revenues: Rs 2,21,733 crore.

8. Fiscal deficit : 3.9% of GDP and Revenue Deficit: 2.8% of GDP

Economic Survey 2014-15 Highlights

Key Features of Union Budget 2015

1. Defer the applicability of GAAR by 2 years; effective from 1.04.2017

2. Wealth Tax to be abolished

3. 2% surcharge on those who have income of over Rs 1 Cr per annum

4. Benami Property Transaction bill to tackle black money transaction in real estate soon

5. PAN must for any sale exceeding Rs 1 lakh

6. High corporate tax with too many exceptions gives us worst of both worlds, we neither get revenues nor investments

7. Taxation is an instrument of socio-economic engineering

8. Corporate Tax to be reduced to 25% from 30%

9. GST expected to play transformative role by creating a common market; have already introduced bill for same

10. Aim to rationalize and cut exemptions in corporate tax

11. Govt. to get tough on Black Money

12. Direct Tax collection is going to be 14.49 lakh crore rupees

13. To avoid surprise in taxation policy

14. Corporate tax to be reduced by 5% over next four years

15. Policy of Make in India in Defence not only to cater our needs but also for export

16. Defence budget enhanced to Rs 2,46,727 crore

17. Special Assistance to Bihar and West Bengal

18. Rs 15,000 crore scheme to skill rural India

19. Poor students get fund aid through PM scheme

20. Renewable energy target will be increased to 1,75,000 MW

21. AIIMS to be set up in J&K, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and Assam

22. IIT in Karnataka, IIMs in J&K and Andhra Pradesh

23. ISM Dhanabad will be upgraded to full IIT

24. Section 6 of FEMA to be amended

25. Public procurement law to be introduced

26. Public contracts resolution bill to be introduced

27. Rupay Debit Cards to be incentivised, to move towards paperless transactions

28. Regulatory reform law for infrastructure development

29. To launch National Skills Mission to boost jobs

30. Committee to be set up to plan the celebration of the 100th birth anniversary of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya

31. Govt. to do away with distinctions between FII and FDI and replace it with Composite Caps

32. Another 1,000 crores for Nirbhaya Fund

33. Corpus for maintenance of Global Heritage Sites at Goa, Gujarat, J&K, Mumbai, Punjab and Telangana

34. Environment friendly development process only

Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2015

35. Foreign investment in alternate investment funds

36. Govt. to introduce Gold Monetization Scheme, Sovereign Gold Bonds

37. EPF & ESI has hostage rather than client ; ESI should be made optional to employees

38. Visa on arrival for 150 countries in phases

39. FMC to be strengthened by merging with SEBI

40. To put in place bankruptcy code soon

41. Employees contribution to EPF should be optional

42. Indian Gold Coin with Ashok Chakra

43. 5 Ultra Mega power projects, of 4000 MW announced

44. Highest ever allocation for MGNREGA, by increasing it this year by 5,000 crore rupees

45. Internationally competitive Direct Tax regime to be put in place

46. Deepening of bond market to complement our world class equity; Public Debt Management agency towards this end

47. Ports in public sector will be encouraged to corporatize & become companies under Companies 
48. Plan an expert committee for Drafting Legislation for Regulatory mechanism

49. NBFCs with size of Rs 500 Cr and above to get parity in recoveries

50. Capex for state PSUs to be Rs 3.17 lakh crore

51. PM agri plans get Rs 3,000 crore extra allocation

52. Initial sum of Rs 150 Cr to create world class IT hub to take advantage of our competitiveness

53. Expert committee to examine need for multiple prior clearances for projects

54. PPP model has to be revised and revitalized

55. Rs 30,000 crore allocation for SC welfare schemes

56. Lending priority to be given to SC, ST in Mudra bank

57. Outlay upped by 24,000 Cr for rail, road

58. Capex for state PSUs to be Rs 3.17 lakh crore

59. Atal Innovation Mission to foster culture of research among India's and global brain

60. Investment in Infrastructure to go up by 70,000 crores in 2015-16 over 2014-15

61. Tax free Infrastructure bonds for projects in railways and roads

62. PM Surakhsha Bima Yojna to increase the access to insurance ; it will be linked with Jan Dhan 

63. Atal Pension Yojna to provide defined pension according to contribution

64. Divestment in loss making units

65. New scheme called Nayi Manzil to enable minority youth without school-leaving certificates to get the employment

66. Exhibition of Parsi culture

Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2015

67. Senior citizens welfare fund to subsidise the premium for elderly people

68. MUDRA bank to refinance micro finance institution under PMs MUDRA scheme

69. To utilize vast postal network for increasing access to institutional banking

70. To launch PM Surakhsha Bhīma Yojna, offering coverage of 2 lakh rupees for just premium of Rs 12 (Rs 1 per month)

71. Universal Social Security for all Indians

72. New scheme physical aid and assited

73. GST to be in place by April 01. 2016

74. Senior citizens welfare fund to subsidise the premium for elderly people

75. Proposes a Mudra Bank of corpus of 20000 crores to refinance the MFIs

76. To bring a Comprehensive Bankruptcy code for the ease of doing business by 2015-16

77. Committed to increase the access of people to formal financial system

78. Committed to bring a Universal social security system for all

79. Manufacturing Hub through Make in India program

80. Forex reserves at $340 billion

81. We need a well-targeted system of subsidies rather than to cut subsidies

82. Micro irrigation to get Rs 5300 crore

83. Electrification of villages by 2020

84. To continue with MNREGA

85. Agri credit target in 2015-16 increased to 8.5 lakh crore

86. National agri market to increase income of farmers

87. Well-targeted system of Subsidy delivery, cutting down of leakage

88. Need well targeted system to rationalise subsidies

89. LPG direct transfer subsidy to be expanded

90. Rural Infrastructure Development Fund to be at Rs 25000 Cr

91. Road map to achieve Fiscal Deficit of 3% of GDP in three years

92. Target of 3.9% in Fiscal Deficit 2015-16

93. Target of 3.5% in Fiscal Deficit 2016-17

94. Target of 3% in Fiscal Deficit 2017-18

95. Will finish the journey to 3% fiscal deficit in two years

96. Tax buoyancy is lower but still we will meet the promise of Fiscal deficit of 4.1% of GDP this 

97. Latest CPI 5.1% WPI negative

98. States to get 62% of the total resources

99. Rural and urban divide to be removed

100. A roof for each family in India by 2022- 75th Year of India's Independence

Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2015

Sector-wise Highlights of Union Budget 2015


1. Abolition of Wealth Tax.

2. Additional 2% surcharge for the super-rich with income of over Rs. 1 crore.

3. Rate of corporate tax to be reduced to 25% over next four years.

4. Total exemption of up to Rs. 4,44,200 can be achieved.

5. 100% exemption for contribution to Swachch Bharat, apart from CSR.

6. Service tax increased to14 per cent.


1. Rs. 25,000 crore for Rural Infrastructure Development Bank.

2. Rs. 5,300 crore to support Micro Irrigation Programme.

3. Farmer’s credit - target of 8.5 lakh crore.


1. Rs. 70,000 crores to Infrastructure sector.

2. Tax-free bonds for projects in rail road and irrigation

3. PPP model for infrastructure development to be revitalised and govt. to bear majority of the 

4. Rs. 150 crore allocated for Research & Development

5. NITI to be established and involvement of entrepreneurs, researchers to foster scientific innovations.

6. Govt. proposes to set up 5 ultra-mega power projects, each of 4000MW.


1. AIIMS in Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar and Assam.

2. IIT in Karnataka; Indian Institute of Mines in Dhanabad to be upgraded to IIT.

3. PG institute of Horticulture in Amritsar.

4. Kerala to have University of Disability Studies

5. Centre of film production, animation and gaming to come up in Arunachal Pradesh.

6. IIM for Jammu and Kashmir and Andhra Pradesh.


1. Rs. 2,46,726 crore for Defence.

2. Focus on Make in India for quick manufacturing of Defence equipment.

Here are the highlights of the Rail Budget 2015

Welfare Schemes

1. 50,000 toilets constructed under Swachh Bahrat Abhiyan.

2. Two other programmes to be introduced- GST & JAM Trinity. GST will be implemented by April 2016.

3. MUDRA bank will refinance micro finance orgs. To encourage first generation SC/ST entrepreneurs.

4. Housing for all by 2020.

5. Upgradation 80,000 secondary schools.

6. DBT will be further be expanded from 1 crore to 10.3 crore.

7. For the Atal Pension Yojna, govt. will contribute 50% of the premium limited to Rs. 1000 a 

8. New scheme for physical aids and assisted living devices for people aged over 80.

9. Govt. to use Rs. 9000 crore unclaimed funds in PPF/EPF for Senior Citizens Fund.

10. Rs. 5,000 crore additional allocation for MGNREGA.

11. Govt. to create universal social security system for all Indians.

Renewable Energy

1. Rs. 75 crore for electric cars production.

2. Renewable energy target for 2022: 100K MW in solar; 60K MW in wind; 10K MW in biomass and 5K MW in small hydro


1. Development schemes for churches and convents in old Goa; Hampi, Elephanta caves, Forests of Rajasthan, Leh palace, Varanasi, Jallianwala Bagh, Qutb Shahi tombs at Hyderabad to be under the newtoursim scheme.

2. Visa on Arrival for 150 countries