Indian Geography – Plains of India
1) Plains come into existence due to – Rivers (Rivers flowing through a region smoothen the terrain or surface of land. And as rivers continuously change their course, a very wide smoothened or plain area comes into existence spread over a very wide area)
2) Indian plains can be classified in how many broad categories? – 3 (Plains of North India – which includes Punjab Plains, Gangetic Plains and Assam Plains), Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats)
3) Plains of North India are formed by which river systems? –Ganges, Sutlej and Brahmaputra
4) Ganges (Ganga River) and its ancillary river system are responsible for formation of which plains – The Great Plains of North India (Spread in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and parts of West Bengal)
5) Sutlej and its ancillary river system are responsible for formation of which plains – Plains of Punjab and Haryana